Wix Website Builder

No code and Low code Website development


How do I make a website without a platform like Wix, etc.?

The text should be unique.

How can one make a website without the use of a platform such as Wix? This is a question many people in the world of websites and web design grapple with on a daily basis. Making a website without resorting to a platform like Wix raises some interesting questions. Does it require coding expertise? Are there any shortcuts? What are the advantages and disadvantages of building a website without going through a service such as Wix?

When designing a website, it is important to keep the end goal in mind. A static, medium-sized website might be relatively easy to code from scratch, but if the website requires constant updates, using a platform such as Wix might be the better option. Fortunately, there are a few alternatives than can make the task of building a website from scratch a little less daunting.

In this article, you will learn the basics of how to create a website without relying on a platform like Wix. Different coding and web development techniques will be explored to help you create a website that can be hosted on its own domain, with custom HTML, CSS and even Java scripts, which can all help you build a professional looking website without resorting to a service such as Wix. Different hosting solutions will be discussed, and resources for each method of web development will be provided as well.

In addition to the resources, advice and best practices for coding and building a website from scratch will be included. This can be invaluable to those who want to create a unique website that is not limited by the restrictions of a platform like Wix. In the end, this article will provide all the necessary information and resources for those who want to build a website without using a platform.

Definitions of Creating a Website without a Platform

Creating a website without a platform is a process by which one can create a fully functioning website from the ground up, without the need of a third-party platform such as Wix, Weebly, Squarespace, or the like. It requires a fair amount of technical know-how, to be sure, but the results are often worth the effort. The following terms are key to understanding how to build a website without the help of third parties.

HTML and CSS – HTML is the standard markup language used in web design, while CSS is used for styling webpages. HTML is the basic structure of webpages while CSS provides styling to give webpages a more unique look and feel.

Web Hosting – You’ll need to find a web hosting provider to host your website. Web hosting providers store your webpages, scripts, and files on servers that are connected to the Internet so the world can access your website.

Domain Name – A domain name is the address of your website. You must purchase a domain name from a domain registrar before you can launch your website.

Server-side Programming Language – This is a programming language that is used to communicate with a webserver. Popular server-side programming languages include PHP, ASP.NET, and Java.

Database – Most websites use a database for storing user data, such as accounts, shopping carts, etc. Popular databases include MySQL, PostgresSQL, MongoDB, and SQL Server.

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FTP (File Transfer Protocol) – FTP is used to transfer files to and from webservers.

Scripts – Scripts are small programs that run on the webserver and perform functions such as sending emails, responding to user input, etc.

By having an understanding of these foundational terms, you now have the basic tools necessary to build a website without the help of third-party platforms.

Overview of the Process for Creating a Website

Understanding the Process

Before embarking on the process of creating a website, it is important to understand the fundamentals of the web and how it works. The internet is made up of pages accessible in HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, and governed by what is known as the Hypertext Transfer Protocol or HTTP. This protocol allows pages to be viewed, shared, and used without any coding or programming required. A website is essentially an assembly of various types of HTML documents – a combination of text, images, audio, and video – connected together using hyperlinks.

Choosing a Hosting Platform

Once you have a better understanding of web basics, the next step is to choose a hosting platform. Hosting services provide a space on one of their servers where your website will be stored and made available for others to view. While there are many hosting services available, most will involve some kind of monthly subscription or fee. Free hosting is available, but the features and options are usually more limited. Popular hosting platforms include WordPress, Squarespace, and Web Hosting Hub.

Building Your Website

Once the hosting platform has been chosen, it’s time to begin building the website itself. This involves creating the page layout, selecting a design theme, and adding content. Many hosting services include a website builder to help make the process easier. Otherwise, if the website needs to be built completely from scratch, a variety of languages and tools, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, can be used to create the pages.

Testing & Deploying the Site

After the website has been built, the next step is to make sure everything works correctly. Testing involves visiting the website in different browsers and devices to make sure it functions as expected. Once the site has been tested and is in working order, the last step is to make it live, or deploy it, on the internet. This process is usually accomplished by connecting the domain name to the hosting. Once this is done, the website can be viewed by anyone with an internet connection.


  • Understand web basics and the fundamentals of Hypertext Markup Language and Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
  • Choose a hosting platform for your website.
  • Use a website builder or learn a language such as HTML, CSS, or JavaScript to build the website.
  • Test and deploy the website to make it live on the internet.

Gathering Necessary Resources

What Resources Are Needed?

Creating a website without using a platform such as Wix or other hosting services requires some specific knowledge and resources. The most important tool is a knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which are the three main codes used for building websites. A competent knowledge of HTML is necessary for basic website structure and style, while leveraging CSS to create a visually appealing page is also important. Additionally, JavaScript can be used to add interactive elements to the webpage.
The next thing to consider are hosting services, which will store the website’s files and ensure it is accessible to the user through the internet. Many hosting services provide additional tools such as a DNS service, automated updates, and support for various website frameworks. This is where choosing the right hosting provider is key, as features and costs may vary depending on the provider, making it important to research different hosting providers to find the one that is best suited for the particular website.

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Compiling the Website

Once the necessary HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files are written, they can be hosted on the selected hosting service. Many of these services will provide tutorials, video walkthroughs, and other resources that can help users compile the website. Finally, the website needs to be tested on multiple browsers to make sure the code is compatible. Additionally, a website should be checked for security and privacy issues.
Creating a website without the help of a platform like Wix does require some technical knowledge, but once the proper resources are gathered and the website is compiled, it can be a great way to gain control over the look and functionality of a website.

Learning Website Development Tools and Coding Languages

Introduction to Website Development Tools

Creating a website from scratch can be a daunting task. With the help of the right website development tool, however, the entire process can become much easier. Website development tools provide an easy way of making a website that is visually appealing and has the required functionalities. These tools come in different forms such as WYSIWYG editors, drag-and-drop editors, content management systems (CMS), and more. Generally, these tools are easy to use and require no coding knowledge in order to use them.

Making a Website Without a Platform

If one wishes to make a website without the use of any platform or tool, they must rely solely on coding and programming languages in order to create a website. While this is a far more difficult task than making a website using a platform, it does have its advantages. For example, coding can provide greater flexibility and control over the design and functionalities of the website. Additionally, coding opens up the potential for creating more complex features and applications.
The most common and versatile programming language used for website development is HTML, or hypertext markup language. HTML is used to structure and present the content on a website. While it is a relatively simple language, learning HTML can still be quite challenging. Other languages such as CSS and JavaScript are also useful for website development. CSS, or cascading style sheets, is used to control the appearance of the website design, while JavaScript allows for the development of more interactive and dynamic content.

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Putting it All Together

The combination of the different coding languages and programming tools determines the quality and capabilities of a website. Experienced coders can make use of frameworks such as React and Angular, as well as libraries like jQuery in order to optimize their websites. Additionally, there are different frameworks for back-end development such as Node.js and Ruby on Rails, which allow for the creation and integration of complex functionalities and databases.
Although it is more difficult to make a website without the use of a platform, it is certainly possible to do so. With dedication and patience, it is possible to understand and utilize coding and programming languages and tools to create an effective and functional website.


Creating a website without a platform is no longer impossible, but it is not an issue for the faint of heart. What level of computer knowledge and html coding skills does it require to set up a website without a platform like Wix or similar?
If you are up to the challenge of taking the more difficult road and creating a website from nothing, then follow our blog for more in-depth tutorials. For now, we have plenty of articles to help you get started, but stay tuned, as we have exciting new releases that are coming soon!
Q: What type of coding skills do I need to create a website without a platform?
A: You will need to have basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, as well as a willingness to learn and persevere. It will also help to have a basic understanding of scripting languages like JavaScript and PHP.
Q: Is creating a website without a platform difficult?
A: Yes, creating a website without a platform can be a challenging journey. It will require dealing with a lot of coding, and you may encounter several roadblocks along the way, although it can be incredibly rewarding and satisfying when you manage to overcome each obstacle.
Q: What other resources should I use when creating a website without a platform?
A: Aside from following tutorials and blog posts, you should also take some time to get familiar with online forums and communities, where you can get advice from more experienced developers. It can also help to use programming libraries and other open source resources.
Q: How much time is needed to create a website without a platform?
A: The amount of time it will take to create a website without a platform depends on your background knowledge and coding proficiency. On average, it can take several weeks or months to complete the project from start to finish.
Q: Is creating a website without a platform worth the effort?
A: Absolutely! Creating a website from scratch allows you to take full control of every aspect of the design process, making it more personalized and tailored to your needs. It will also help you to gain a better understanding of the inner workings of websites, which can be incredibly helpful if you plan on starting a career in web development.